Spring is the market of house buying. Although the market is in favor of the buyer, you can get the upper hand in the deal by adding to the aesthetics of your home’s outdoor property. If you are living on a lake or another body of water, what better way to enhance the feature of your home than the waterfront?
As stated by a realtor Ron Phipps, “If I were going to spend money on a property, I would really work on making sure the curb appeal is strong”. The home buyer decides the curb appeal within the first 10 seconds of viewing. These are the most crucial moments in a buyer’s decision as the curb appeal is what gets them in the door. If you had weeds all over the yard and a messy beach eroding the land out back, the chances of getting them in the door is slim to none. Capture your buyer’s attention as they look around the outside with a beautifully designed shoreline.
Preserve Condition and Security
It is of utmost importance for a waterfront home owner to protect their property from land erosion caused by wave action, tidal fluctuation, surges, rising sea levels and drainage. The best way to protect your waterfront property and increase the value of your home is to install a seawall or rip rap. Over time the water will naturally wear down the land and cause it to float away into the water. If you don’t want to lose your land into the sea, you will really need to put up some kind of barrier. As the storms roll-in causing the waves to get stronger, rip rap will do wonders to protect your land from erosion. As the sea levels rise, the need for shoreline barriers are increasingly important as it decreases the risk of land mass from rising sea levels. If your home has shoreline protection, especially on a larger body of water, your home value will also increase.
Increased Property Value
Many people think rip rap is just a pile of rocks. They are actually a natural barrier given to us by nature. What they may not realize is how they have been strategically positioned to block the water from leaking through and eroding the land. Rip rap is not only a vital security measure, it is a wonderful addition to your home’s aesthetics. Rip rap can be designed very well and made to look like a beautiful, natural addition to your home and yet it will still protect your property from erosion. Think of it as a functional work of art, it is a win-win solution for your property as you begin to look for a buyer. You may even decide to stay.
If you are a waterfront homeowner and are looking to sell your home this spring, rip rap or a seawall could be a great benefit for you. Even if you are not looking to sell, preserving your land is highly recommended. If you have any questions about what seascape design is right for you, call Seawalls Unlimited today!
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Seawalls Unlimited
2350 W. Rte. 120
McHenry, IL 60051
(815) 331-8830